
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Be Prepared for the Unexpected Challenges in Life!

When you encounter new challenges in our life, how are you going to handle them? Run, fear or defeat and conquer all of your challenges. Challenges are simply walls that are meant to be torn down, unfortunately a new wall usually appears before you very own eyes. What will you do? How will you handle this? Below is an example of stories I hear from individuals who usually do not respond well to new challenges, especially ones that are not familiar to them:

"They told me everything would be okay. They told me that every thing is all good and my speed will pay my way. Hmm...that's the day I said to myself "Joe, you ain't got a thing to worry about" No doubt term assurance would love me, the 4.3, the 4 TD's in one quarter when I intercepted three. Standing on top as the future #1 pick, but first gotta pass my SAT. Its crunch time, but this is a different kind of time, no game lights, no cheerleaders screaming fight, its the hardest competition I've ever been in, Missouri Lemon Laws was time to put that paper to a pen.

I'm sick to my stomach an dunno know what to do, how to feel, I asp net web hosting prepared for an opponent just so real. Big, 350 pounders ready to break every bone in their body just to get to me, but don't scare me, not Mean Joe Dean! I have never seen this kind of game before nor have I ever watched game film or studied the weekly playbook for his antidepressants before, they had a star player on the team..his name was Aca Demics. I was told that people beat his team before, but many fail and never come back to face this opponent again. I have to admit, I was not ready! They told me every thing would be okay they told me everything would be all good. How dumb could I have been? So dumb that I took advice from people that only cared about winning. They never told me that one day I would face such a Goliath like specimen that would ultimately ruin my career.

That day came, I tried my hardest to be the greatest of the great, but it was to late, I was to familiar with the study method called procrastinate. I remember my final play when I cam through a blocking lane that appeared open, then all of a sudden Aca Demic hit me so hard that my hands dropped causing me to fumble in the game of life. Cialis - 10 pills @ 20mg each HERE take my advice, game time is great and all, but you have to be prepared for the much greater things you will face in the future that will create a winner out of you or a loser like me..Mean Joe Dean!"

Does this sound like you? If not, continue to always prepare your self for the unexpected!

Eze Ejelonu
DAASH Athletic Enterprises, Inc.
