
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guys Dating Tips - Avoiding The Uncomfortable Silence

We've all been there. You're sitting at dinner; your hands start to get sweaty and she looks bored. The conversation is barely moving and then all of a sudden it hits - BAM! Absolutely nothing! A painful, awful silence. She looks at you like you are The Parent Trap most boring human being on the planet. Knights Templar feel like a total loser and rapidly start to search your seemingly empty brain for anything to say. You feel like you'd rather be dead. How do we avoid situations like this? The first way seems way too simple but it works.

Have 5 emergency topics to talk about as soon as the awkward silence hits. Before the date, look at the front page of the newspaper and/or go online and find some current pop culture news and come up with 5 specific things to talk about. Write them down and loosely memorize them before your date and save them for emergencies. Don't waste these unless you have absolutely nothing else to talk about. If you use these Antidepressants in the date then you won't have any safeties to latch on to when you need them.

Another technique for avoiding the awkward silence is to embrace it. When it gets quiet - sit back - take big, deep breath. Stretch out and say, "Ahhhh... I feel so relaxed... I'm having a good time - I think it's great when two people can be around each other and not have to talk continuously. It's cool when you can just enjoy each other's presence, good food, nice atmosphere". She will instantly feel at ease. The thing that puts the awkward in awkward silence is the fact that you don't seem comfortable. Now you've let her know that what your feeling is completely opposite of uncomfortable. You are actually so comfortable that you're fine with the fact that it's quiet. In fact - you're enjoying the silence. Whatever you do - never admit that you feel the uncomfortable silence or that you have run out of things to say.

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