
Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Unsolved Mystery In Sales

I have an interesting situation that has perplexed me for quite some Bugs Bunny so I thought I would bring it to you my great readers and get YOUR take. Here is Dark Shadows game situation. I have literally run into this situation hundred's of times over the years. I interview all of these out of work alleged "Great Sales People", and what amazes me is that some of them I sincerely believe I could help become peak performers and acquire complete financial independence.

The "Unsolved Mystery" is that I cannot figure out for the life of me WHY they all wait to get a new job until they are broke or are so far behind the eight ball that they don't give themselves enough time to acclimate themselves to their new position, much less start generating income! I have seen several Basketball just in the last 2 months that have thrown away GREAT opportunities for just this reason.

Perplexed, I ask myself if these people are just lazy and took too much time off Tales from the Crypt their last employment? Were they no good at their last place of employment so they always lived hand to mouth? Or, are they just plain arrogant and fool themselves into believing that they are so good they can learn anything and make as much as they want anytime? Therein lies the "Unsolved Mystery". Whatever the answer, and I hope my readers can give me some insight, IT'S NOT WORKING! Please take note, if you are making a career change or are terminated from your current position, look for work IMMEDIATELY! "The Specialist" guarantees you there will be a learning curve before income starts being generated.

It truly saddens me the number of people I have crossed paths with that have missed tremendous opportunities because of this "Unsolved Mystery"

The Specialist has over 25 years of hard Neurontin door to door sales with no leads and no referrals and for 38 years has never had a guaranteed paycheck! The Specialist has interviewed over 250,000 people in the privacy of their home, has interviewed over 5,000 people for employment opportunities, group interviewed and sold literally tens of thousands of people, spoken at colleges and universities and has literally amassed millions upon millions of dollars in sales!