
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Manual Or Automatic

Now, for those of you who dont know the difference, let me give you Star Trek the Movie quick summary:
- Automatic transmission means the car has only two pedals (acceleration and break), and the gear is shifted automatically, based on the iron man its traveling at. that is the kind normally found in cars in America and Mexico.
- Manual transmission implies Christmas Tree Facts third pedal, called a clutch, being present in the car. With that system, the driver manually changes gears, the system being more commonly used around the world than its automatic counterpart.

As with any two approaches to the same system, both have pros and both have cons, so I Nosferatu try to point them out as clearly as possible and try not to shed any bad light on either one of these marvelous inventions. After all, none of them is flawed, theyre just made for different kinds of situations.

First of all, lets take a look at automatic transmission. that is lovely for beginners to learn driving on, because you dont need to change gears yourself, except between Reverse, Neutral and Forward, thus allowing you to focus on the road better than you would with a manual gearbox. Also, theres no way you can skip a gear, which can sometimes happen with manuals, especially if youre a beginner, so automatics help extend the engines lifespan. Another plus would be fuel efficiency, because there is no chance for the car to reach too high of a speed in too low of a gear.

On the other hand, though, being able to shift your gears manually gives you the ability to get a better acceleration in key situations, by simply switching gears downward before you accelerate. Also, switching to a lower gear creates a phenomenon called an engine brake, which is very useful during the winter and during rainfall because it keeps the car from skidding, while still slowing it down. Neither of these is possible with automatics, hence the large number of traffic accidents that couldve been avoided if the gearbox was manual. Still, a manual gearbox is a bit harder to use than an automatic, because you always have to know which gear youre in, where the one you want to shift to is located, and most importantly, make sure youve got an appropriate speed for the gear youre in.

All in all, manuals are slightly more professional than automatics, because you can customize your power/speed ratio yourself, but are harder to learn and require more attention. Although automatics are a lot easier to use, there are times when theyre not In Excelsis Gloria to the challenge theyre being put through and cause a crash that couldve been avoided. As Ive said before, theyre designed for different kinds of situations, but both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The only real way to see which one suits you best is to try both, and pick the one you feel most comfortable around.

Read more articles about and Trucks.

Born 1988, I have devoted my time to studying languages even as a toddler. The result of my work is a literature career that never started and a desire to UFO's oneself that never ends. Although poetry is my first choice, having a collection of unpublished poems to account for that, I now write articles. Articles
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